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LooksCoin $LOOK Token


How To Buy $LOOK


Ticker: LOOK

Token Type: BEP20

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000

Contract Address: 0x73cba57ad8bc775a5345d9a0de2e90c74621d802

Blockchain: BNB Smart Chain (BSC)

Option 1: Buy $LOOK at LooksCoin Marketplace

LooksCoin marketplace

Option 2: Buy $LOOK using the LooksCoinEscrow Smart Contract

LooksCoin marketplace

Buy $LOOK using the buy() function of the LooksCoinEscrow smart contract on bscscan.com

Contract Address:


The amount of $LOOK you purchased is automatically calculated based on the amount of BNB you send to the contract, and directly deposited to your BEP20 wallet address.

Please contact support at https://t.me/LooksCoinTeam if you need rate adjustment or support.

Check $LOOK price.

Option 3: Buy $LOOK on Tokpie exchange (CEX)


LooksCoin is listed on Tokpie.com exchange, available for purchase at:


Option 4: Buy $LOOK Using Escrow

Send BNB to the LooksCoin escrow address below and contact support at https://t.me/LooksCoinTeam for receiving $LOOK at you BEP20 wallet address.

Escrow wallet address: 0x13dDcf07c75604f12fCd8647d546099a73E2ef34

Option 5: Buy $LOOK on PancakeSwap or ApeSwap

Option 6: Buy $LOOK on DoDoEx


Pool Address: 0x2d1831d86fdbd22292e6b5fd2c03dcd6f42f708d

Link to $LOOK Pool on DoDoEx

Option 7: Swap $LOOK into LOOKNFT

How to Swap $LOOK into LOOKNFT


$LOOK Exchanges ( Binance Smart Chain )

$LOOK (BEP20) Contract: 0x73cba57ad8bc775a5345d9a0de2e90c74621d802


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